Immersion Techniques
We’ve learned that being there is crucial. Our immersion techniques help us connect empathically with our research participants, allowing us to approximate their point of view. We mix and match and sometimes hybridize techniques depending on our strategic goals. Our core approaches include:
Ethnographic interviews
Participant observation
Guided journaling
Digital diaries
Our other techniques, include:
Shop-alongs, drive-alongs, ride-alongs and other participant-observations
Artifact analysis: a systematic examination of the material, aesthetic, and interactive qualities of objects
Analogous observations: observing people in a related setting to enrich our understanding of the target setting.
Homework assignments for participants
Participant sketches/diagrams
Photo studies: self-documentation of a participant's life and interactions
Semantic exercises: Exploring words, typology, and associations through card sorts
Behavior change and displacement studies
Street-work: Experiencing local venues and activities that participants talk about, to further immerse ourselves in their culture and context
Video and photo ethnography
Prototype evaluation